Adding Products

Add Your Products
Adding products to PETZ is easy, we only require some very basic information:

  1. UPC or EAN required for all products.
  2. Name - it's best not to include the brand name within this name as the brand is displayed on the coupons.
  3. Marketing Message - This is the default message that will show up on campaigns with a single product.
  4. MFG Code - your internal code for the product
  5. MSRP - It is vital that we know the suggested retail price for your products.
  6. Categories - These are top level categories that help us match campaigns to consumers.
  7. Media - An image or video of the product, this is the default media for single product campaigns.

Too Many Products?
Not easy enough? Make a spreadsheet with the above information and we will handle your product imports for a nominal fee.

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